Surgery is done and you were carried to your bed in your hospital room where you will be staying for at least 5 days. This period can be increased by your doctor if it's seen as necessary. You will be sore and dizzy because of the given anesthesia. This will help you get some sleep and rest.
After waking up and starting to feel that the anesthesia is going, you might feel psychologically upset and confused. You will be given painkillers frequently according to your pain threshold. Your doctor will be visiting you frequently as well post-surgery. There are some other topics starting from your needs to talk about.
Clothes and Shower

The equipment necessary for lengthening will cause comfort issues (for the LON method) for the patient since the device will be on your leg. This will affect your comfort and the clothes you will wear. It is more comfortable to wear loose-fitting garments that do not tighten the treated region throughout this process. Such as shorts, long boxers, and loose wide pajamas.
The shower must be given by an expert. Because the lengthening area and device must be kept dry and away from water. We have the service to provide professional patient caregivers to help with your cleaning and hygiene. They will wash your upper body and non-surgical leg areas with the help of sponges and fibers. The price for a shower by those experts is 50$ per shower extra.
Walking, Sitting, and Sleeping

With the LON method, you will be able to walk with the help of a walker. You are expected to walk on your own with the help of the walker after 1-2 days from the surgery to satisfy your basic needs. However, with the Precise 2 Method, you are not allowed and can not walk until the lengthening process is completed. Sitting and bending the knee after the surgery may be painful. As a result, it is critical to protect the lower back when sitting and performing everyday tasks. It is vital not to sit for an extended period of time and to sit appropriately while sitting.
The bones should be preserved while the healing process proceeds following the treatment. Some stresses can cause bones to shatter or be injured, particularly if the bone has not yet been reinforced. Thus, sleeping on your back will keep your leg safe. Any other sleeping method is not recommended.
It is not safe to drive after lengthening surgery while lengthening is taking place or until bone healing is complete. With rapid movements, this scenario can both increase the stress on the leg and fracture the bone. Also, it may create danger for other drivers since you will have weaker reflexes due to lengthening.